Friday, October 2, 2009

Decisions of my life

During my life I have had many good and bad experiences in sports and my personal life. I have thought of giving up many times in many different things. In fact, I am starting to question my ability of playing basketball and i don't know if I want to continue. Its tough for me to make decisions like this because I don't know if I may regret it in the future. I recently decide to play for the schools football team after I decided not to in the summer. But when school started many players and coaches persuaded me to continue playing this sport because they believed that I could be successful. It was a tough decision but it was all worth it, to represent our school is an amazing feeling. I know many players are jealous or mad at me by joining the team late and not participating in summer workouts. But I took my consequences and I know that they now respect of who I am and what I can do to help the team succeed.

In my life I have had many difficult decisions to make. Not all of them helped me but I know they were for the best. At one point, I questioned if I wanted to continue to go to school. I know that was a stupid thought but I was extremely confused at that time. I ended up making the right decision by staying in school and hoping to be an extremely happy and successful person. Although this part of my life worked out for the best, there are still many that didn't. One time, I made a decision that almost determined whether or not I would have to repeat a course. I once had a finally exam in middle school and I totally forgot about it. I was lost in the excitement of summer coming soon that I just zoned out on everything else. As I was taking this test I saw someones answers right in front of me and I thought to myself that this would either help me out a lot or devastate me tremendously. Unfortunately this hurt me bad. I was caught! My teacher automatically took away my test and gave me a zero. I didn't know what to do, I was extremely scared of what would happen next. I had no idea if I had enough credit to pass this class. Finally after very stressful weeks, I found out I had just enough credits to pass the class. I was happy and I told myself that I would never try to take the easy way out.

Writing this blog has made me think of how lucky I am. I have made a numerous amount of bad decisions and they have hurt me in a huge way. But in the end everything would always work out for the best. But I wasn't happy with just getting away with things because I know things won't always go my way. Every time one of these experiences happened I learned something and know I believe that I learned enough to make the correct decision every time. I am looking forward for the future and the many challenges I may have to face. With those challenges I want to prove myself that I can make the correct decision. I have had a blast writing this blog and sharing my experiences and I hope that I can influence many people to not make the stupid decisions that I did.


  1. This post makes my entire day. I had a blast reading it.

  2. it's nice to know your experiences so that other people themselves can make choices with the thought of all possible outcomes and whether the decision they make will benefit them or hurt them.

    it'd be awesome if more people read this post.
