Friday, October 16, 2009

The Game

Football games are always very intense and enjoyable. I love the feeling that I always get before I step onto the field. It is an amazing feeling that I can't describe but I enjoy having. But last week this feelings was like nothing else. It was stronger than ever and I just wanted to step on that field and play my heart out. During the whole game I was extremely nervous and anxious to get in the game. I knew I wasn't going to play that much because of how poorly I played at practice, but I wanted to make the most out of ever minute I played. I understood why my coaches didn't let me play that much and I it was hard to stand on the sideline most of the game. Football is a very entertaining sport to play and I have plenty of fun playing it.

When I finally got into this game, I was ready to play hard. It was during a very important part of the game that decided weather or not we would win. During this series I played well, I didn't rally have an impact on the game but I didn't do anything that caused us to loose. When the series was over, I thought we had won. But quickly after the other team got the ball back. It didn't go very well for me this time. First, I missed a tackle that would have won us the game. Next, I got confused and allowed the opponent to gain a couple of yards. Finally, I made a very bad mistake and let the other team to gain a huge amount of ground. My coaches took me out of the game and I didn't play again. It was hard for me to watch my team struggle and let the opponent score. But it was harder to not be able to do anything about it and redeem myself after my poorly played series. We ended up loosing that game because of a missed played field goal and everyone was upset.

From that game I learned that you should never take anything granted for, always treat every moment like its your last. Never back down from a challenge and always try your best. Because you never know if it is your last. If I knew I was going to be taken out of the game, I would have given it my all and probably would have played much better. It hurts so much when you know that you can't do anything other than watch your team struggle to stay in the game, knowing that it was your mistake that caused them to play that way. Football is a game of many disappointments but has many rewards as well. This experience will stick with me for a long time because of what had happened at the game.

1 comment:

  1. Your storytelling skills are SOLID. For several posts in a row as I recall, you've put together great stories and then show how strongly they've affected you. It's a great formula and you are WORKIN' it.

    If you want to kick your writing to another level, see where you can start working in some more sensory details. This is when you describe the scene and include notable stuff you saw, heard, felt, smelled, tasted, or otherwise sensed! Ask me in class and we can talk about it, maybe during lab day this week.
