Friday, October 9, 2009


In my life I have had many good and bad memories. Memories that will stick with me my whole life. Some of them will hurt me when I look back at them but others will give me a sense of nostalgia. It's amazing how much one person can remember from the past and how those memories make them who they are today. They can influence a person in many different ways that may hurt or help you. Memories are a great part of a persons life but they can also be hurtful and hard to deal with. I beleive that the memories that have had a huge impact on their lives will never go away no matter what you do. In my opinion, those thoughts will stick with that person his/her whole life. In my life I have had many good and bad memories that have ifluenced my life in a huge way.
Everytime I look back at all these memories, I get chills throughout my body and it gets hard to stop thinking about them. Some of these memories hurt so much that I just want to forget them, but they are extremely hard to get out of my mind because of what they did to my life. I have tried very hard to forget these thoughts, including, thinking of other issues, being occupied with an activity, and distracting myself from that problem. But some how these painful memories just come back and becasue of that I know they will never go away. But my life isn't filled wiht all the bad hurtful memories, I have had many good ones as well.
During my life I have had many nostalgic memories of my childhood. These memories include my first time at school, playing sport, and having a true friend that I can trust. Those are great memories that I hope I will never forget. But, I think that good memories are easier to forget than bad ones. Good memories will help you become happy about where you are in your life. But bad ones will stay in your life longger because they have casued you pain and you will always remember them. An example of this is, everytime I loose a close hard fought game I will always remember that moment everytime I play that sport. But when I win, I will remember that great moment but I know I will have many moments similar to that one. In conclusion, memories are good for a person but in the end you know that you will remember those bad memories more than the good ones becasue of what they did to your life.

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