Friday, October 23, 2009

Trip to Lake Tahoe

A couple of years ago my family and I were traveling to Lake Tahoe for winter break. I was extremely excited about going skiing and snowboarding. When we arrived on the freeway we saw a sign warning us about a blizzard. So we decided to wait until the afternoon so the storm could pass. This trip was meant to be only three hours but when we saw all the traffic we knew it would take longer. After a long time we got tired and needed a rest. So we stopped at a gas station and went to the bathroom and get snacks. When I got out I was freezing, it was so cold that I had to run into the store. I have never been more cold in my life. After I was done, I ran into the car and we carried on with the trip. Later on that day it started to snow. I think it was the second time I have seen snow and I was very happy. Because this trip had so much traffic, we had to drive into the night. It was crazy, we were driving into a blizzard and could not see anything. I was extremely scared that we were going to crash or drive off the cliff. As the night went on, the blizzard got so bad that we had to stop and wait for it to pass. When I got out of the car this time I was colder than before, but I didn't care because it was snowing! I played with the snow until the blizzard stopped and then we continued our journey. Now the blizzard was gone and all we had to worry about was the slippery roads. But, we had chains on our tires so we didn't worry top much about slipping off the mountain. When we arrived at our destination, I was extremely relieved that we finally made it. We checked in our hotel and slept well that night. What was supposed to be a three our drive turned into a horrible eight hour drive.

We planned to stay in Lake Tahoe for three days so we had plenty of time t decide what we wanted to do. The first day we decided to go skiing. Because I had been skiing for a very long time, it was very enjoyable and fun. After a while of skiing on the intermediate routes it got boring so I tried the advanced ones. At first I was very scared because I had a long way to go and the hill was very steep as well. In the end, I finally got enough courage to try out the route and I did a good job. I was very happy about how good I really was at skiing. The next day we decided to go snowboarding. This was my first time so I took some lessons before I went off on my own. The lessons didn't go as well as I wanted it to and I didn't realize how hard snowboarding really was. After my lessons I went to try it out by myself, that was a bad idea. I couldn't even make it down the hill once without falling onto the snow. It got so annoying that I just stopped and gave up. So we went back to the hotel to rest for the final day.

The last day of my trip was a very good one. On this day we wanted to both ski and snowboard. Since I needed a lot of practice snowboarding, I spent most of my time going down the hill trying to get better. After a long time of practicing I finally was able to go down the hill without falling. When I was happy with my progress I then switched to skiing. I was extremely relieved that I was no longer falling repeatedly and was able to enjoy the last part of my trip. When the day came to an end we went to the hotel got all of our things and headed home. The trip back was not nearly as intense as going there. It was very relaxing and we had a fast trip back. This was one of my best vacations ever that I will never forget. I had a blast and left Lake Tahoe with many memories.

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