Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Certainly some people are more prejudiced than others, actively embracing and perpetuating negative and hateful images of those who are different from themselves. When we claim to be free of prejudice, perhaps what we are really saying is that we are not hate-mongers.[10] But none of us is completely innocent. Prejudice is an integral part of our socialization,[11] and it is not our fault. Just as the preschoolers my student interviewed are not to blame for the negative messages they internalized, we are not at fault for the stereotypes, distortions, and omissions that shaped our thinking as we grew up.

I started annotating this paragraph by trying to think of life experiences that relate to what the paragraph is talking about. Next, I highlighted the important parts of the paragraph and explained why it was important. For example, I highlighted 10 and I annotated it by saying how I felt about it and if I agree or disagree with the statement. Then I would underline parts that I felt were important and didn't need any commentary because everyone knows what it means. After I would start chunking the paragraph, crossing out all the information I didn't think was important. Finally, i would finish by writing important ideas and feeling about the paragraph of the side of the page. I would also translate some statements to make them easier to understand.

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