Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Second Year of Blogging

This will be my second year blogging and I am having a lot of fun doing so. I started blogging during my sophomore year which was also very fun but got hard at the end because i could not think of anything else to write about. So I basically took a year off and now I'm back into it. I wanted to continue to blog my junior year but with all the challenging classes I had along with the homework, I had no time. Blogging is very enjoyable to me because I can share my experiences and thoughts with other students my own age and it is also fun to read what other students write about because we can relate to each other more than any other adult can. My goals for this second year of blogging are, to become a more well rounded writer, and to expand my vocabulary so that I will be ready for college essays that I will be facing next year. Blogging has been very helpful to me in the past and I hope that it continues to do so now that I am doing it again.

I hope that I can continue to improve on my writing as the year goes on and I really want to become a more versatile English student. I am not very talkative so my writing will be what everyone looks at to see what I can do as an English student. And because I am also a very determined person, I want to prove everyone that I am capable of being in college. I have had a lot of doubters in the past, even I've doubted myself a couple of times, but I know I have what it takes to be successful. I've learned that I am not going to be the best at most things I do and I know that many other students are a lot better writers than I am but that's not going to stop me from trying my best and believing that one day, I can be one of the best. That drive is what will lead me to be successful in the future and will make my dreams come true.

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