Thursday, September 22, 2011

NBA Lockout

The NBA (National Basketball Association) is currently in a lockout that does not seem close to an end. It has been going on for months now and the players association and the league cannot agree on a new deal. This lock out deals with the amount of money players would be able to make. Before the lockout, salaries of NBA players range from $400,000 to $20,000,000 depending on how good the player is. But even the worst players in the league make a lot of money compared to all the other jobs in the United States. And the superstars of the league, for example, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Kevin Durant, the make, if not, close to $20,000,000 a year which is more than enough for the rest of your life! In my opinion, athletes make way too much money and I agree that their salaries should be cut. I'm not saying that they do not deserve the money because I am one of the biggest NBA fans and I want my favorite players to succeed and have a lot of money but $20,000,000 thats just too much.
I hope that this lockout ends soon because I want to enjoy watching another season of basketball and I am looking forward to all the new players coming into the league. But in the meantime, player have been trying to come up with deals to play overseas somewhere so that they can make a little extra money since they do not get paid during the lockout. The players know that they have an obligation to their original team so once the lockout ends I know that all of them will come back to the NBA. So I agree that players going overseas to play is a good thing. It will also give them a chance to travel around the world and experience other countries. I really hope that this lockout ends and I am looking forward to the upcoming season.

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