Friday, September 9, 2011

Becoming a Senior

I am starting my senior year of high school with high hopes and goals. I am currently taking two AP classes, AP environmental science and AP calculus, and they are both very challenging in their own way. My goal this year is to earn a high enough GPA and do well enough on my Sat's to allow me to at least get into a csu college. Last year was a forgettable year because of many distractions that prevented me from trying my best at school. It was full of drama but i learned many life lessons that will help me in the future. I hope that i can really focus this year and show everyone what i am capable of doing academic wise. My senior year has started off well and i hope that i can sustain my concentration and achieve my goals. This is by far going to be my most challenging year at high school but i will have a a lot of fun during my last months and a high school student.

Being a senior feels great, especially in high school when all the underclassmen look up to you. We are role models to all the other kids who will be in our spot in a couple of years. Us Seniors can walk around school, knowing that we won't get bullied or pushed in the hallways because we are at the top of the school. For me, it is really fun to roam around the school and watching freshman, sophmores and even some juniors react when they see us walking their way. Its not that i want to bully anyone, its just that I've been in that position where you see a big senior and you want to stay as far away as possible. But now that its the other way around, why wouldn't I want to take advantage of it? Life isn't fair sometimes and this is a good way to show that. Being a Senior is the best year of anyone's high school career because we are at the top of our school.

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