Friday, September 30, 2011

My life in sports

This blog is about my life involving sports. I started playing basketball in the 5 th grade when my parents forced me to play on a team. I did not want to at first but after a while i fell in love with the game. And adter a dew short years i was one of the best players in the league. I felt like i was the best, until middle school came around. I tried out for the schools team in 7th grade but unfortunatly i did not make it. This shocked me and made me even more determined to get better. After that incident i was dedicated to proving my coach wrong by playing on a ayb team and showing everyone what i was capable of. That ayb season, our team lost only once and i was one of the most dominate big man in the league and made the all star team once again but this time as a starter. I out played many people that were on the middle school team so i knew i deserved to make the team. After that year i ended up deciding not to try out for the team again and was focusing on high school.

In high school, i easily made the freshman basketball team and aldo the football team. I did pretty well in both sports and won a few team awards. But after my sophmore year, i realized that i did not want to play anymore because i disagreed with the coaches on many things. The following year, i played for an asian basketball organization but i was not dedicated to the team so my preformance was poor. And that was the end of my sports carrer, and till this day, i have no intentions of playing a sport again. I just dont love it as much as i did before which is sad but i guess im just growing up and realizing that i cant play sports forever. I loved every moment of my day playing sports and those days will be greatly missed.

Proving myself

Football games are always very intense and enjoyable. I love the feeling that I always get before I step onto the field. It is an amazing feeling that I can't describe but I enjoy having. But last week this feelings was like nothing else. It was stronger than ever and I just wanted to step on that field and play my heart out. During the whole game I was extremely nervous and anxious to get in the game. I knew I wasn't going to play that much because of how poorly I played at practice, but I wanted to make the most out of ever minute I played. I understood why my coaches didn't let me play that much and I it was hard to stand on the sideline most of the game. Football is a very entertaining sport to play and I have plenty of fun playing it.

When I finally got into this game, I was ready to play hard. It was during a very important part of the game that decided weather or not we would win. During this series I played well, I didn't rally have an impact on the game but I didn't do anything that caused us to loose. When the series was over, I thought we had won. But quickly after the other team got the ball back. It didn't go very well for me this time. First, I missed a tackle that would have won us the game. Next, I got confused and allowed the opponent to gain a couple of yards. Finally, I made a very bad mistake and let the other team to gain a huge amount of ground. My coaches took me out of the game and I didn't play again. It was hard for me to watch my team struggle and let the opponent score. But it was harder to not be able to do anything about it and redeem myself after my poorly played series. We ended up loosing that game because of a missed played field goal and everyone was upset.

From that game I learned that you should never take anything granted for, always treat every moment like its your last. Never back down from a challenge and always try your best. Because you never know if it is your last. If I knew I was going to be taken out of the game, I would have given it my all and probably would have played much better. It hurts so much when you know that you can't do anything other than watch your team struggle to stay in the game, knowing that it was your mistake that caused them to play that way. Football is a game of many disappointments but has many rewards as well. This experience will stick with me for a long time because of what had happened at the game.

One of my favorite thing to do

I have enjoyed playing sports my whole life and it has always been my favorite thing to do. But since I cant play sports all day, I need another hobby that I enjoy doing. That hobby is watching sports. As much as I love playing sports, I enjoy watching it as well. I mainly watch football, basketball, and baseball but i enjoy watching other sports too. For example, I sometimes watch hockey, golf, and tennis. Unlike playing sports I have watched sports my whole life and it never gets old. At some points watching sports gets more intense than actually playing. It is also a lot more relaxing and less work because all you need to do is watch your television and enjoy the moment. Watching sports is very enjoyable and I will continue this hobby for a very long time.

Like everyone else who watch sports, I have my favorite team and athletes that I follow. Because my favorite players are usually on my favorite team its not hard for me to keep up with them. I always get extremely excited when my team is in a very close game that might come down to the last play. And when they win, I get a feeling almost like when I win a game for my team. Both of those emotions are the best for anyone to have. But watching sports isn't always that enjoyable, sometimes my team loses. When this happens I get very angry, and sometimes I can't even watch another game for days. I don't understand why I get so mad when my favorite team loses because its not my team and the players probably don't know or care who I am or what I think. I always tell myself not to get so intense when watching a game because I am not on the team and I shouldn't care. But I still continue to angry when my team loses and its still hard for me to continue to watch. Watching sports can be very fun but it can also be very hard and painful emotionally.

Watching sports is very entertaining and fun to do. Its a great hobby I have and will enjoy for a very long time. I will continue to root for my favorite teams and players and follow them where ever they might go. I will also continue to get mad when my team loses or my favorite player does bad. But most of all I will learn to advance my own skills in playing that sport. I learn from the professionals by watching them frequently and looking at what they do to be so good. I will sometimes mimic the player hoping that it will make me better. Sports have always been a huge part of my life and it will continue to be

Thursday, September 22, 2011

NBA Lockout

The NBA (National Basketball Association) is currently in a lockout that does not seem close to an end. It has been going on for months now and the players association and the league cannot agree on a new deal. This lock out deals with the amount of money players would be able to make. Before the lockout, salaries of NBA players range from $400,000 to $20,000,000 depending on how good the player is. But even the worst players in the league make a lot of money compared to all the other jobs in the United States. And the superstars of the league, for example, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Kevin Durant, the make, if not, close to $20,000,000 a year which is more than enough for the rest of your life! In my opinion, athletes make way too much money and I agree that their salaries should be cut. I'm not saying that they do not deserve the money because I am one of the biggest NBA fans and I want my favorite players to succeed and have a lot of money but $20,000,000 thats just too much.
I hope that this lockout ends soon because I want to enjoy watching another season of basketball and I am looking forward to all the new players coming into the league. But in the meantime, player have been trying to come up with deals to play overseas somewhere so that they can make a little extra money since they do not get paid during the lockout. The players know that they have an obligation to their original team so once the lockout ends I know that all of them will come back to the NBA. So I agree that players going overseas to play is a good thing. It will also give them a chance to travel around the world and experience other countries. I really hope that this lockout ends and I am looking forward to the upcoming season.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Looking back

The biggest influence of my life would have to be sports and now that I am done playing competitive sports, I am starting to think about all the great times I've had. And one of my greatest memories would have to be back when I was playing for Alameda Youth Basketball in the 7th grade. I was already one of the best players in the league and a past all star, so I was capable of scoring a lot of points. Entering that game I had a really good feeling about my body and I felt like today would be a big day for me. In the beginning, I was doing everything I could to help our already talented team win yet another game and continue our undefeated season. We were all hustlers and wanted to destroy our opponents with our speed and pressure defense which drove the other teams crazy because no other teams played this type of defense. But this day was not about our team, it was about me. I was on fire, scoring every shot I put up and I was in the zone. I scored, caused turnovers, got assists and a bunch of rebounds.
I ended the game with 20 points(a career high), 10 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 forced turnovers. I was unquestionably the player of the game and I got many congratulations from teammates, their parents, coaches, friends, and family. This was an amazing day for me and probably the best basketball performance I have ever had. I will never forget that day for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Second Year of Blogging

This will be my second year blogging and I am having a lot of fun doing so. I started blogging during my sophomore year which was also very fun but got hard at the end because i could not think of anything else to write about. So I basically took a year off and now I'm back into it. I wanted to continue to blog my junior year but with all the challenging classes I had along with the homework, I had no time. Blogging is very enjoyable to me because I can share my experiences and thoughts with other students my own age and it is also fun to read what other students write about because we can relate to each other more than any other adult can. My goals for this second year of blogging are, to become a more well rounded writer, and to expand my vocabulary so that I will be ready for college essays that I will be facing next year. Blogging has been very helpful to me in the past and I hope that it continues to do so now that I am doing it again.

I hope that I can continue to improve on my writing as the year goes on and I really want to become a more versatile English student. I am not very talkative so my writing will be what everyone looks at to see what I can do as an English student. And because I am also a very determined person, I want to prove everyone that I am capable of being in college. I have had a lot of doubters in the past, even I've doubted myself a couple of times, but I know I have what it takes to be successful. I've learned that I am not going to be the best at most things I do and I know that many other students are a lot better writers than I am but that's not going to stop me from trying my best and believing that one day, I can be one of the best. That drive is what will lead me to be successful in the future and will make my dreams come true.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Becoming a Senior

I am starting my senior year of high school with high hopes and goals. I am currently taking two AP classes, AP environmental science and AP calculus, and they are both very challenging in their own way. My goal this year is to earn a high enough GPA and do well enough on my Sat's to allow me to at least get into a csu college. Last year was a forgettable year because of many distractions that prevented me from trying my best at school. It was full of drama but i learned many life lessons that will help me in the future. I hope that i can really focus this year and show everyone what i am capable of doing academic wise. My senior year has started off well and i hope that i can sustain my concentration and achieve my goals. This is by far going to be my most challenging year at high school but i will have a a lot of fun during my last months and a high school student.

Being a senior feels great, especially in high school when all the underclassmen look up to you. We are role models to all the other kids who will be in our spot in a couple of years. Us Seniors can walk around school, knowing that we won't get bullied or pushed in the hallways because we are at the top of the school. For me, it is really fun to roam around the school and watching freshman, sophmores and even some juniors react when they see us walking their way. Its not that i want to bully anyone, its just that I've been in that position where you see a big senior and you want to stay as far away as possible. But now that its the other way around, why wouldn't I want to take advantage of it? Life isn't fair sometimes and this is a good way to show that. Being a Senior is the best year of anyone's high school career because we are at the top of our school.