Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Rules of Love

After watching the interesting video on high school in the 60's, I realize that it is not much different than modern high schools. The rules that dictate the behavior of young men and women in relationships are a lot similar to the old days. The rules include what friends each teenager has, how popular they are, if they were in any past relationships, and if they have reputation of being a person who dates a lot of people. A lot of teenagers in modern high schools don't really have long relationships with someone. There are a few long relationships if the two kids really like each other but usually two people get together have fun and break up. I also think that there are a lot less relationships as there was in the past because there are more boy/girl friends that just want to hang out. In the past hanging out would be like going on a date but now its just two friends having fun. No one really goes on dates anymore unless they are in a relationship because if two teenagers like each other they just get together without really wanting to know a whole lot about the person. But once they are a couple they learn more about each others lives and what they like to do. People don't really have a relationship with someone they are not comfortable with for example, athletic teens will usually go out with someone else who is athletic and popular kids will usually go out with other popular kids. There are also teenagers who become a couple just to look good so they will have more friends. Everyone wants to be known by everyone at the school and having a relationship with someone that is just as popular or even more popular will help that goal come true.
If these rules are broken by someone, nothing really changes in high schools today. The person that you used to date might be mad at you but your friends won't leave you and nothing to serious will happen to you. You might have a couple more haters but thats about it. No one really cares about the rules as much as they did in the past because no one wants to loose a friend or become less popular. High school relationships are a lot more different that they were in the past but they are still similar. These rules are not really important anymore because no one really cares.

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