Friday, May 28, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

The novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthoney Burgess is about a young teen boy, Alex and his droogs, Dim, Pete, and Georgie who run around in London causing trouble. they have been into a lot of trouble over the years but that doesn't stop them. When the foursome isn't taking drug-laced milk in the Korova Milkbar and speaking in their slang, they are robbing, beating, and raping London citizens. On a particular night, they beat up an old man with science books and a homeless man, they also get into a fight with a rival gang led by Billyboy, and steal a car and take it for a joyride to the country. Alex lives in a life full of crime and he is caught up in all of it. I feel very sorry for him and his friends because they have to deal with messing up thier lives because of where they are from.

The author also uses a unique slang that he created just for this book. he uses words like droog instead of friends and other words as well. He said "There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence." The author uses the woed droog to describe Alex's friends. But his droogs don't have his back forever they actually tried to kill him for “their horrible selfish and boastful politics". This was a very interesting part for me because it was cool to see his best friends turn on him. That was very selfish of his friends and I felt very bad about what Alex had to deal with. There is also very violent thinking in parts of this book as well. For example, alex says " My endeavour shall be, in such future as stretches out its snowy and lilywhite arms to me before the nozh overtakes or the blood spatters its final chorus in twisted metal and smashed glass on the highroad,to not get loveted again. Which is fair speeching". You can see that when Alex talks about violence he has a very delightful and aesthetic tone to his voice. It is kind of weird how he would talk about violence in such a happy tone. Its like he is happy to kill someone eventhough he know its wrong. If that is true, that is very scary. Who would want to kill someone on purpose, its just wrong.

I also like how Alex is a very tough kid that never gives up. Near the end of the book, Alex falls from the building but doesn’t kill himself. All he got was a break his back, wrists, and feet, among other body parts, before passing out a crumpled mess in the street. I like how he is so strong and a real man. He has grown up a lot over the course of the book and I like how he has improved as a person. I also like how this book isn't a type of book that has a confussed kid that is surrounded by drugs and violence but as the book goes along he learns to become a better person. I can see a little improvement but it is not too big and I really like that. In the first book I read it was exactlly like this book except that the teenage boy learned to become a better person at the end. I am really tierd of those types of books and it is refreshing to finally have a cool book that is about a troubled teenage boy and his gang. I also give props to the author for amking up his own language for this book. It must have been really hard to come up with words that sound like real words but aren't really. Droogs is a really good word that can make someone think that it is real. I thought it was until my partner told me that this book is full of fake words taht the author made up. It was really hard for me to understand at first but as I read the sentence over many times and many times deeper in the book I finally got a good understanding of what they meant.

This was a really good book from start to finsih that I had a really fun time reading. I liked many parts in this book that included a lot of violence and action because it keeps me focused. In the last book I read, I had a really hard time getting focused because it was so boring to me. This is the type of book that I really enjoy reading. I love the whole storyline as well. I like how Alex has a gang at the beginning and they fight other gangs but later his droogs turn on him and try to kill him. Stuff like that keep me wanting to read more because I want to know what will happen next. I also like how this book is based on a young kid who is surrounded by wiolence and drugs, which is why he is what he is. he fell into pure pressure and could not handle himself. Alex just wanted to fit in and it turned on him. what seemed like a crazy fun life quickly turned bad when he started to get in trouble with the cops. Alex life was a really bad one and I felt very sorry for what he had to go through. I know that this is just a book and is not real but this has a lot of parts that relate to real world stuff. I am pretty sure that there are a lot of kids out there who are caught up in the life of drugs and violence and don't know how to escape. I fell very bad for those kids because they are just wasting their life. This was one of the best books that I have ever read in my life and I am glad that I finally chose a book that fit my expectations.

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