Friday, May 14, 2010

Lit. Circle Letter

In the second part of A Clockwork Orange, there is a lot more slang and a lot more psychotic. There is tons more action in the second section in the second part of the book which makes it a lot more interesting to read. I really thought that this book would be exactly like the other two book i read, start out good then progressivly get worse as I get more into the novel. The second part talks more about Alex's crazy life and all the hard experiences he has to go through during this challenging part of his life. I like this second part more because it is more entertaining since there is crazy parts to it. Alex is a very weird teenager boy so far in the book that has a very tough life because he has to deal with so many problems. There is also a lot violence thinking in parts of this book as well. For example Alex says " My endeavour shall be, in such future as stretches out its snowy and lilywhite arms to me before the nozh overtakes or the blood spatters its final chorus in twisted metal and smashed glass on the highroad,to not get loveted again. Which is fair speeching. You can see that when Alex talks about violence he has a very delightful and aesthetic tone to his voice. It is kind of weird how he would talk about violence in such a happy tone.
I really liked the second part of the novel because I now know what most of the slang the author uses in this book means, which makes it much easier for me to concentrate on the book itself and try to find out what this book is about. Another section of the second part that I like is the parts where Alex talks about his life experiences and his thoughts of violence. This book has gotten better as I have gotten deeper into the book and I hope the third part is much better. This second part was really good and I hope that the final section of this novel will be more entertaining and fun to read.

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