Friday, May 7, 2010

Oakland Raiders

This week I would like to blog about JaMarcus Russell, the former number 1 pick of the NFL draft by the Oakland Raiders. A couple a days ago he was released by the Raiders becuase he was not preforming at his best. When Russell was with the Raiders, it seemed to me like he did not try at all. He did not give any effort into becomeing better. He figured that since he was already in the league and is amking a good amount of money he could just relax and it did not work out for him. The Raiders used the No.1 overall pick on Russell in the 2007 draft. He never developed and was 7-18 as a starter, the worst winning percentage of any quarterback who was drafted No. 1. He became the quickest quarterback who was the No. 1 pick to be released by his drafting team.He was extremely over wight and was one of the worst quarterbacks in the league last year so the Raiders decided to get another quarter back named Jason Cambell. He played for the Washington Redskins last year and had a decent year. So he is a prety good quarterback. Since the Raiders have so much quarterbacks on their roster they needed to release one. They had a comepition a few days ago and Russell did not do so well so he was cut. He was due to make about 9 million dollars next year. But reporters say that his carrer is not over yet and he still has another chance to be a successful quarterback in the league.

JaMarcus Russell is now a free agent and is looking for a new team to play for. The talented but extremely disappointing quarterback went unclaimed Friday and passed waivers. He is now free to sign with any team that may become interested in him. Russell who is 24 was expected to go unclaimed because his salary is more than $9 million this season. Any team that would have claimed Russell would have been responsible for his salary this season. Russell will likely not want anything other than the minimum league salary if he signs with a team. He made more than $39 million in Oakland over the course of the past three seasons. Even though he is said to be one of the worst number 1 picks to ever paly in the NFL reporters say he still has another chance to make it big. A lot of players have been good with their second team after being terrible with their first and this may be an example of that. the Radiers haven't had a good quarterback in years and it seems like every player that leaves become better. Mabey the raiders coaching staff is not all that good and did not know how to improve Russell. A lot of teams are interested in signing him but are still hesitant becuase of his past. But I'm pretty sure that teams that have old quarterbacks are really looking into signing him becuase they will eventually need a new one. Russell may have had a very poor carrer so far but because he was the former number 1 overall oick he has another chance and i think that goes with any number 1 pick that plays any professional sport.

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