Friday, May 21, 2010

Lit Circle letter

In the final part of the novel A Clockwork Orange, Alex is sent to jail where he is surrounded by terrible treatment and torture. I think that it is pretty cool how the author expresses how Alex was treated in prison and what happened to him. At the beginning of the final part, Alex falls from the building but doesn’t kill himself. All he got was a break his back, wrists, and feet, among other body parts, before passing out a crumpled mess in the street. Just before he slips into unconsciousness, Alex comes to the realization that F. Alexander’s associates, his supposed new droogs meant to kill him for “their horrible selfish and boastful politics". This part was very interesting to me and had a lot of things going on at once. I like how the author added this twist into the book to make it a lot more crazy even though it is already messed up enough.

Another part that I liked was near the end of the book when Alex feels the drugs kick in and punches a neighboring patron in the stomach and leads his droogs into the street. Then they come upon an old man buying a newspaper. Alex sanctions Bully’s assault on the old man, and the other two soon join in, tripping and kicking the man until he crawls away, whimpering. Alex then gives the boys permission to head over to the Duke, where they sit across from the same women Alex met there in Part One. The women praise the boys, hoping for a drink in return, but Alex gets annoyed and forbids it at first, noting to us that he has become frugal. Alex eventually concedes to buying the women another round, and, uncharacteristically, gets himself a beer. As he pulls out his money, a newspaper clipping falls out of Alex’s pocket, which Bully snatches up. On it is a photograph of a baby. The group has a bit of fun with Alex’s apparent sentimentality until Alex snarls at them and rips the picture up, letting it drop to the floor. To the group’s puzzlement, he goes on to chastise them, calling them babies because they take advantage of the helpless. Alex is a very confused kid that needs to get his life straightened out but we all know that, thats never going to happen. And I like it. I'm tired of books that have endings with people becoming better as the book goes on and this book was nothing like that. I really liked this book and I am really happy that I finally found a book that I liked a lot.

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