Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lit. Circle Letter

In the final part of the "Economic Hitman", John Perkins talks more about his crazy life and the organizations he is working for. This section is not all that much different than the first two and it was very boring. It basically talked more abut his experiences from his jobs and some stories to back it up. There were some parts to the book that were interesting and fun to read, for example when he tells the reader how he got money out of other nations. Those parts were probably the best parts to the book. I was extremely tired of reading this book because I was not interested in it. I was bored and had no motivation to really get it to it. A couple of parts caught my eye but other than that, the book was not good at all. I would rather read books that have a true story, like the last book I read. I think this book made me realize that I would rather read about fictional books that non-fiction. I really was not interested in the book and I had to force myself to read it. I hope that the next book I choose will be closer to the type of books I enjoy reading.

In the third section in the book I didn't have too much positives about it. John Perkins talked more about his life events and how he cheated countries out of their money. It was cool to figure out how he received his money but after a while it got a bit annoying. This was basically how the rest of the book was like. This book doesn't even seem like a autobiographical book because it doesn't seem real that there is actually a job out there that actually does this. I will ever believe that there are secret jobs that the government do not know about until I confront it during my lifetime. If the government does not fund this organization, then how much money do they make and if they can't get enough money they want what would they do? If this is real, it does not seem like it will last too long because they can only trick so much people in giving up money. This was not a good book for me but hopefully someone else will enjoy it. This book just is not the type of books I enjoy to read but I know there are people that will enjoy this book very much.

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