Friday, April 23, 2010

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Then novel "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins is a non-fictional, auto-biographical book about John's life and his experience with his top secret job. This was not a very good book for me and their were many weaknesses. One of these weaknesses was the fact that he kept on talking about the same subject. I know it is an autobiography and you are suppose to talk about your life but you can spice it up a bit. You can change it up, maybe have a chapter or two about something other than your life, possibly about your family or friends. John's life of working in a secret spy organization was fun to read at the beginning but that was all he talked about most of the chapters. Like I said before, even though his book is based upon his job he can make it a lot more interesting by changing it up a bit. Talking about something other than his life and job. It was cool to find out how he cheated countries out of money and how he did it but it seemed like as the book went on he couldn't think of anything else to write about. It was like he was trying to force himself to write about things he talked about before just because he wanted to extend his book to attract more attention from book buyers. That probably is not the reason why but that what I thought he was trying to do. Another weakness in the book was how it did not seem real. His job seems fake and I have a hard time believing him. I really can not imagine a job that the government does not know about. I also can understand how they keep on cheating countries out of millions of dollars by doing the same routine. I think that Perkins is trying to spice up his life experiences by adding things that are not true. He probably had a job similar to what is explained in the book but I think he over emphasized it a little more than he should of. If this job is really out there shouldn't the government have found out about it by now, now that there is a book about it. And how would the workers get paid, what would happen if they stopped tricking countries into giving them money and how are they still a secret spy organization after doing this for so many years? Shouldn't at least one country figure out what they are doing. I also think that if this job was real, it is probably a very short time job because they can only trick countries so much times until they find out what they are trying to do. After they find out what would they do, they would be broke and have to shut down their company. The final weakness of this novel is how boring it was to me. After reading about the same thing over and over again, I got really sick of it and did not want to read it anymore. It was very annoying and I had to force myself to finish the book. This book was not one of my favorites and i hope that the next book I choose will be a lot better because I really want to read an interesting book that I will enjoy.

I would recommend this book for a more older audience because it has a wide range of vocabulary. It does not seem like a book a high schooler would read and I did not have fun reading it. A lot of the book was hard for me to understand because of the big vocabulary and I had to read certain parts numerous of times to understand the meaning. The only type of people that I can see reading this are people who like biographical books that include intense lives of others. Me and my partner did not have any fun reading this book and we really hope that we will not choose another book like this because I don't know if I can handle another one of these. The only high school student I can see reading this book are the more mature students that like to reading books about real life spies. Other than those few people, I really can't see anyone liking this book and have fun reading it. It seems so unbelievable and fake about how one organization can trick countries out of a huge amount of money. You must be the smartest people in the world if you think you can pull that off. I will not recommend this book to any of my fellow students because most of my friends are interested in the same books as I am and I know they will hate to read this book as much as I did. Well I did not hate it, it just is not going to be one that I will talk about a whole lot. My last book was more interesting even though it was repeating a lot as well. But that author added some interesting parts in between so the reader wouldn't get bored out of their mind. That's what this author needs to do if he wants his books to have a lot more success. Lately the books that I have read are very bad and I hope the last book I pick will be a lot better. This time when I choose a book I will put a lot more effort into picking out a book that I will enjoy much more than my previous books. This book was full of negative parts that were very painful to read but their were some positives to it. I really liked reading about how John tricked countries to paying him and his techniques but it did get somewhat boring in the end. At first this book was good but as I got deeper in it just never got any better. I really hope that I can finish this school year with a fun book that both me and my partner will enjoy reading.

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