Friday, April 2, 2010

4th Quarter Writting Goals

In the last quarter of the year I would really like to improve my writing ability in many ways. I have always had a hard time thinking about what to write about and it gets harder every time. I started writing about my sports team and that can only go so long becuase they always come to an end. Then I started writting about my life which was good at the beginning bt once again I ran out of significant events that happened during my childhood. Finally I started to write about other sports teams and thats where I am today. Its working out pretty good but I don't really like wrting about other sports because they have nothing to do with me. I really want to expand my writting genres so I can become a much better writter. I would also like to improve my repeting problem. I tend to repeat a lot of things in my writing jsut so I can reach the minimum of 500 words. Its been very hard for me to write 500 words when I run out of ideas and I want to find a way a way to avoid this problem. I would finally like to improve my ability to get out of writers block during the fourth quarter. Like many people, I have had a huge problem with writters block and I do not know how to get out of it. I have tried many different ways to see if it will help but nothing has. And I know my writting has gotten worse because of it. At the beginning of the year my writting was much better because I was fresh and had a lot of topics to write about. But as the year went on, writters block has made my writting not as good. For many of my blogs, I just tey to make up random sentences because writters block has limitied my ability to think about what to write. This last quarter might be very bad for me because of all the problems I am having right now but if I can find a way to get rid of these problems I will have a lot of success.

In the last quarter of the year I would like to write about my life again and my basketball team that I am currently playing on. I will probably be writting about my basketball tournements and how our team is coming together because this is our first time palying with each other. I would like to write about my life again because I had a lot of fun writing about my life and the events that happened during my childhood. In my opinion the best blogs I have written this year was about my life and how it was influenced by past experiences. I really believe that by going back to the blogs that have gotten me this far into the year will help me a lot in improving my writting ability. This last quarter of the year will be very exciting because I will find out if this risk will be a successful one or be a very bad idea. I still don't know what I am going to write about for my first blog but I have a lot of things going on during spring break that I would love to post on my blog. This year has gone by very fast and I can't wait until summer comes along.

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