Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lit Circle Letter

In the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" a man named John Perkins, who is also the author of the book, talks about his life and how crazy it has been. I liked many parts about this book so far but I am having a tough time reading this book because I'm not really into these types of book. The book is non-fictional but it seems unreal because of the things Perkins went through during his life is crazy. He is a college drop out who avoids the army multiple times and ends up in many different spy organizations and does many other things in between. I usually like reading auto biographical books but this book does not seem like one. I do not really believe that there are secret spy organizations that are not run by the government and cheat countries out of trillions of dollars. If it is true, then shouldn't the government had found out about it already? In my opinion this book would be a lot better if it was fictional because I would not be frightened about these "hit men" possible taking trillions of dollars out of the U.s.

There are a lot of things that I like about this book including how there are secret spy organizations out in the world. It might be a little hard for me to accept that there really are these type of companies but they are still fun to read about. I also like what they do in the companies. For example, Economic hit men are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe to get trillions of dollars. And the use fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder to get their money. I think that it is really cool how they can do this for so long and never get caught by the government. They must have a very strict company that does everything to perfection. Which makes this job an extremely difficult job to get. You probably need to be one of the smartest person in the world to get a job like this and Perkins was. He was born in Hanover, New Hampshire under two high school teachers who graduated from excellent colleges. Perkins started off going to a local public school but as he got older he was switched to a private school because his parents wanted to get him away from the girls at public schools who they called "sluts". He was transferred to an all boy private school and stayed until he finished high school. He was both the top student academically and athletically at his school and received two scholarships for different reasons. Brown University gave him an athletic scholarship and Middleburry gave him a academic scholarship. He wanted to go to Brown but was forced to go to Middlebury because that's where his parents graduated from. After a tough time in college he decided to drop out and his parents were extremely mad but he did not care and moved on. He later went back to Boston University to avoid being drafted into the army and got away with it for a couple of years. But when he graduated he had to deal with possible getting drafted to the war in Vietnam. He avoided that by getting a job that his wife's, dad's, friend gave to him and the army was not a possibility ever again. He joined the peace corps with his wife and soon after landed a job at a secret spy organization. In my opinion, Perkins screwed up his life multiple times but because he was so smart he always got another chance. Life seemed so easy for him because he basically got everything he wanted by not trying. This proved to me that being extremely smart will always work out for you in the end. I like this book so far even though it is hard to believe. But it is fun and I hope it gets a lot better in the final section.

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