Friday, April 23, 2010

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Then novel "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins is a non-fictional, auto-biographical book about John's life and his experience with his top secret job. This was not a very good book for me and their were many weaknesses. One of these weaknesses was the fact that he kept on talking about the same subject. I know it is an autobiography and you are suppose to talk about your life but you can spice it up a bit. You can change it up, maybe have a chapter or two about something other than your life, possibly about your family or friends. John's life of working in a secret spy organization was fun to read at the beginning but that was all he talked about most of the chapters. Like I said before, even though his book is based upon his job he can make it a lot more interesting by changing it up a bit. Talking about something other than his life and job. It was cool to find out how he cheated countries out of money and how he did it but it seemed like as the book went on he couldn't think of anything else to write about. It was like he was trying to force himself to write about things he talked about before just because he wanted to extend his book to attract more attention from book buyers. That probably is not the reason why but that what I thought he was trying to do. Another weakness in the book was how it did not seem real. His job seems fake and I have a hard time believing him. I really can not imagine a job that the government does not know about. I also can understand how they keep on cheating countries out of millions of dollars by doing the same routine. I think that Perkins is trying to spice up his life experiences by adding things that are not true. He probably had a job similar to what is explained in the book but I think he over emphasized it a little more than he should of. If this job is really out there shouldn't the government have found out about it by now, now that there is a book about it. And how would the workers get paid, what would happen if they stopped tricking countries into giving them money and how are they still a secret spy organization after doing this for so many years? Shouldn't at least one country figure out what they are doing. I also think that if this job was real, it is probably a very short time job because they can only trick countries so much times until they find out what they are trying to do. After they find out what would they do, they would be broke and have to shut down their company. The final weakness of this novel is how boring it was to me. After reading about the same thing over and over again, I got really sick of it and did not want to read it anymore. It was very annoying and I had to force myself to finish the book. This book was not one of my favorites and i hope that the next book I choose will be a lot better because I really want to read an interesting book that I will enjoy.

I would recommend this book for a more older audience because it has a wide range of vocabulary. It does not seem like a book a high schooler would read and I did not have fun reading it. A lot of the book was hard for me to understand because of the big vocabulary and I had to read certain parts numerous of times to understand the meaning. The only type of people that I can see reading this are people who like biographical books that include intense lives of others. Me and my partner did not have any fun reading this book and we really hope that we will not choose another book like this because I don't know if I can handle another one of these. The only high school student I can see reading this book are the more mature students that like to reading books about real life spies. Other than those few people, I really can't see anyone liking this book and have fun reading it. It seems so unbelievable and fake about how one organization can trick countries out of a huge amount of money. You must be the smartest people in the world if you think you can pull that off. I will not recommend this book to any of my fellow students because most of my friends are interested in the same books as I am and I know they will hate to read this book as much as I did. Well I did not hate it, it just is not going to be one that I will talk about a whole lot. My last book was more interesting even though it was repeating a lot as well. But that author added some interesting parts in between so the reader wouldn't get bored out of their mind. That's what this author needs to do if he wants his books to have a lot more success. Lately the books that I have read are very bad and I hope the last book I pick will be a lot better. This time when I choose a book I will put a lot more effort into picking out a book that I will enjoy much more than my previous books. This book was full of negative parts that were very painful to read but their were some positives to it. I really liked reading about how John tricked countries to paying him and his techniques but it did get somewhat boring in the end. At first this book was good but as I got deeper in it just never got any better. I really hope that I can finish this school year with a fun book that both me and my partner will enjoy reading.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lit. Circle Letter

In the final part of the "Economic Hitman", John Perkins talks more about his crazy life and the organizations he is working for. This section is not all that much different than the first two and it was very boring. It basically talked more abut his experiences from his jobs and some stories to back it up. There were some parts to the book that were interesting and fun to read, for example when he tells the reader how he got money out of other nations. Those parts were probably the best parts to the book. I was extremely tired of reading this book because I was not interested in it. I was bored and had no motivation to really get it to it. A couple of parts caught my eye but other than that, the book was not good at all. I would rather read books that have a true story, like the last book I read. I think this book made me realize that I would rather read about fictional books that non-fiction. I really was not interested in the book and I had to force myself to read it. I hope that the next book I choose will be closer to the type of books I enjoy reading.

In the third section in the book I didn't have too much positives about it. John Perkins talked more about his life events and how he cheated countries out of their money. It was cool to figure out how he received his money but after a while it got a bit annoying. This was basically how the rest of the book was like. This book doesn't even seem like a autobiographical book because it doesn't seem real that there is actually a job out there that actually does this. I will ever believe that there are secret jobs that the government do not know about until I confront it during my lifetime. If the government does not fund this organization, then how much money do they make and if they can't get enough money they want what would they do? If this is real, it does not seem like it will last too long because they can only trick so much people in giving up money. This was not a good book for me but hopefully someone else will enjoy it. This book just is not the type of books I enjoy to read but I know there are people that will enjoy this book very much.

Friday, April 16, 2010

NBA Playoffs

Now that the NBA playoffs are about to start, I would like to blog about the incidents that are going on between teams. Recelently the Los Angeles Lakers lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder and I was extremely upset because the Lakers are my favorite team and I want them to win it all. These two teams will also be matched up in the playoffs as number 1 and 8 seeds, the Lakers being number 1 and the Thunder being the number 8 seed. The Lakers arem't doing so good right now and are on a slump entering the playoffs while the Thunder's are on a really good role winning a lot of their games. They also have the scorring champion in the NBA who averages about 30 points per game but the Lakers have Kobe bryant who is one of the best players in the world. So this will be a great series to watch to see who will come out the winner. I of course will be rooting for the Lakers who are the defending champions in the NBA and are looking for the repeat but it won't be easy. They have had to battle injuries and many other problems that have prevented them from reaching their expectations. This series will also be a very good one because there have been recent comments that might have fired up some players and a coach. The Lakers coach, Phil Jackson was fined by the league of $70,000 in the last two weeks for comments related to the NBA's officials, but Jackson decided to talk back and prove his pint he said "You can't do that anymore in the NBA". They don't allow you to do that. I guess it was last year, I wasn't aware that the rules have changed, but they tell me that last year they stopped letting coaches spin. You have to be very honest and straightforward and never have any spin with what you say". He was trying to say that the refs. did not allow him to say certain things trying to prove his point. He continues to say "I think we can get to be robotic like that. You guys would probably enjoy us just having stock answers to give to you, 'Everybody played and they played hard.' Things like that." Which means the same thing but just using different words.

Jackson's most recent fee came as a result of his statement about Oklahoma City's and the leagues leading scorer Kevin Durant, saying that the "referees are treating [Durant] like a superstar." And "As far as the calls that he gets on the floor, I think a lot of the referees are treating him like a superstar; he gets to the line easy and often. He's got the ability to create fouls. That's a big part of scoring, to get to the foul line."Durant was very angry about the comments from the Laker coach and felt disrespected, he said "Because it's taking away from what I do.That's part of my game, getting to the free-throw line and being aggressive. If you say that I get superstar calls or I get babied by the refs, that's just taking away from how I play. That's disrespectful to me."On Friday, Jackson said he did not hear Durants responses but he doesn't understand why he is getting mad by saying he "was just straight forward and honest about the game. I really didn't know what he was upset about. It really wasn't that upsetting. He shot the most free throws in the league; he made the most free throws in the league. He shot the most shots in the league; he made the most shots in the league. I voted for him on the All-Star team; he made the All-Star team. We know he's a great player, congratulations." Jackson was fined earlier in the month for comments after a game against San Antonio. He said the "referees turned against us" after technical fouls were given to Ron Artest and Kobe Bryant. He also singled out veteran official Bennett Salvatore by saying, "With Bennett you don't know what you're going to get."Jackson paid $12 million to coach the Lakers this season and was asked if the fines could be a tax write-off at the end of his media session Friday. Because of all this drama happening between the Lakers coach and Oklahoma's best player, this series is going to be a very fun one to watch. It starts on Friday and I can't wait to see my team win.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lit Circle Letter

In the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" a man named John Perkins, who is also the author of the book, talks about his life and how crazy it has been. I liked many parts about this book so far but I am having a tough time reading this book because I'm not really into these types of book. The book is non-fictional but it seems unreal because of the things Perkins went through during his life is crazy. He is a college drop out who avoids the army multiple times and ends up in many different spy organizations and does many other things in between. I usually like reading auto biographical books but this book does not seem like one. I do not really believe that there are secret spy organizations that are not run by the government and cheat countries out of trillions of dollars. If it is true, then shouldn't the government had found out about it already? In my opinion this book would be a lot better if it was fictional because I would not be frightened about these "hit men" possible taking trillions of dollars out of the U.s.

There are a lot of things that I like about this book including how there are secret spy organizations out in the world. It might be a little hard for me to accept that there really are these type of companies but they are still fun to read about. I also like what they do in the companies. For example, Economic hit men are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe to get trillions of dollars. And the use fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder to get their money. I think that it is really cool how they can do this for so long and never get caught by the government. They must have a very strict company that does everything to perfection. Which makes this job an extremely difficult job to get. You probably need to be one of the smartest person in the world to get a job like this and Perkins was. He was born in Hanover, New Hampshire under two high school teachers who graduated from excellent colleges. Perkins started off going to a local public school but as he got older he was switched to a private school because his parents wanted to get him away from the girls at public schools who they called "sluts". He was transferred to an all boy private school and stayed until he finished high school. He was both the top student academically and athletically at his school and received two scholarships for different reasons. Brown University gave him an athletic scholarship and Middleburry gave him a academic scholarship. He wanted to go to Brown but was forced to go to Middlebury because that's where his parents graduated from. After a tough time in college he decided to drop out and his parents were extremely mad but he did not care and moved on. He later went back to Boston University to avoid being drafted into the army and got away with it for a couple of years. But when he graduated he had to deal with possible getting drafted to the war in Vietnam. He avoided that by getting a job that his wife's, dad's, friend gave to him and the army was not a possibility ever again. He joined the peace corps with his wife and soon after landed a job at a secret spy organization. In my opinion, Perkins screwed up his life multiple times but because he was so smart he always got another chance. Life seemed so easy for him because he basically got everything he wanted by not trying. This proved to me that being extremely smart will always work out for you in the end. I like this book so far even though it is hard to believe. But it is fun and I hope it gets a lot better in the final section.

Friday, April 2, 2010

4th Quarter Writting Goals

In the last quarter of the year I would really like to improve my writing ability in many ways. I have always had a hard time thinking about what to write about and it gets harder every time. I started writing about my sports team and that can only go so long becuase they always come to an end. Then I started writting about my life which was good at the beginning bt once again I ran out of significant events that happened during my childhood. Finally I started to write about other sports teams and thats where I am today. Its working out pretty good but I don't really like wrting about other sports because they have nothing to do with me. I really want to expand my writting genres so I can become a much better writter. I would also like to improve my repeting problem. I tend to repeat a lot of things in my writing jsut so I can reach the minimum of 500 words. Its been very hard for me to write 500 words when I run out of ideas and I want to find a way a way to avoid this problem. I would finally like to improve my ability to get out of writers block during the fourth quarter. Like many people, I have had a huge problem with writters block and I do not know how to get out of it. I have tried many different ways to see if it will help but nothing has. And I know my writting has gotten worse because of it. At the beginning of the year my writting was much better because I was fresh and had a lot of topics to write about. But as the year went on, writters block has made my writting not as good. For many of my blogs, I just tey to make up random sentences because writters block has limitied my ability to think about what to write. This last quarter might be very bad for me because of all the problems I am having right now but if I can find a way to get rid of these problems I will have a lot of success.

In the last quarter of the year I would like to write about my life again and my basketball team that I am currently playing on. I will probably be writting about my basketball tournements and how our team is coming together because this is our first time palying with each other. I would like to write about my life again because I had a lot of fun writing about my life and the events that happened during my childhood. In my opinion the best blogs I have written this year was about my life and how it was influenced by past experiences. I really believe that by going back to the blogs that have gotten me this far into the year will help me a lot in improving my writting ability. This last quarter of the year will be very exciting because I will find out if this risk will be a successful one or be a very bad idea. I still don't know what I am going to write about for my first blog but I have a lot of things going on during spring break that I would love to post on my blog. This year has gone by very fast and I can't wait until summer comes along.