Friday, March 5, 2010

My Crazy Week

This week has been extremely stressful because I have had a lot going on lately. I have had to deal with finishing my math project, going to my basketball organization, remembering my sister's birthday, having a lot of homework, and it has been a very long week. It started on a Tuesday when my group and I decided we were going to work on our project after school. We decided to meet up at the public library and stay there until five-thirty. So I informed my dad and mom so they would know where to pick me up. It was a very efficient day and I was happy about what we finished. When we were done, I went to the front of the library and waited for either my mom or dad to pick me up. I waited for about ten minutes and they were not there so I called my mom and she was at work and could not take me home. She told me that she will call my dad to pick me up. Another ten minutes passed and my dad wasn't there so I called my mom again because my dad doesn't have a cell phone. My mom then told me she was coming home and will pick me up on the way back. I told her I would meet her around the high school but she never came. It was now very late, almost night time, so I decided to walk home. Walking home from Alameda High to Bay Farm isn't enjoyable at all and is very tiering. When I got home I still had a lot of homework to finish, was exhausted, and it was very late. I told my mom that I need to get my license fast so this won't happen again. I went on the internet a choose to take to drivers test on April 15th. I can't wait until I can finally get my license and I think I am good enough to pass the test. Getting my license and my own car will solve many problems.

A couple of days later, my group decided to meet up again to finish our project that was due the next day. We went to the same spot but this time we stayed a lot later becuse we needed to finish. This was also the day of my sister's birthday, and my basketball organization meeting so it was a very stressful day. I couldn't stay as long as my other group members becuase I had to go out for my sister's 18th. I left around seven and left my group alone to finish the project. So I went home, wished my sister a happy 18th b-day and we ordered out from Sushi House becuase I had homework to finish and a basketball meeting. But after I was done with dinner, I realized that I would not be able to go to the meeting and finish my homework in one day so I skiped the meeting since school always comes first. I apoligized to my team and found out that I have practice every Wednesday from seven to nine at night. That shedule will be a very hard one to keep up with becuase I usually have the most homework to finish on wednesdays and having practice will make it that much harder. In the end everything worked out well this week and I am very proud of our project and very happy about getting my license soon.

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