Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lit. Circle Letter

I had fun reading the second section of the novel because it was full of exciting events that gave me a better understanding of who Cole was and what his intentions were. Some of my favorite parts include Cole's recovery in the hospital after being mauled by the Spirit Bear and when Cole was given another chance on the island. I really liked the section where Cole's mother finally started acting like a mom after she divorced her husband who ended up going to jail. She stood up for him during the meeting of the Circle Justice, gave him advice, and told him how she cared about him a lot. I also enjoyed reading about how Cole was starting to mature when given the second chance. Edwin and Garvey did a good job in making sure Cole got the most out of his second visit. He cooked, cleaned, built a cabin, woke up early, and tried his best to get rid of his anger, things he would have never attempted to do back home.

The parts I did not like in this section was how the Justice Circle handled Cole when he was recovering from his injuries. Cole was still badly injured when he had his first meeting after what had happened on the island. At the meeting not many people showed up but the people who did could not stop disrespecting him. They called him a liar when he told them he saw the Spirit Bear and told him he should go to jail. I did not believe that was the best was to handle things. Cole was obviously hurt with injuries that were said to be from a bear and they still did not believe him. They said he did not learn anything and that he should go to jail but you can tell by looking at the way he acted after the trip, he did change. He didn't want to hurt anyone and he was kind and respectful most of the time. I did not like how the circle handled him because they were cruel and made him a lot more angry. But I do like how Cole was given the second chance to prove that he can become a better person and so far he has succeeded.

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