Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lit Circle Letter

In the final section of the novel "Touching Spirit Bear" the author gives the reader a very interesting conclusion. There were many parts I enjoyed in the conclusion of the book but there were also many parts that I felt were boring. I really like how the author brings Peter to the island in Alaska after he tried to commit suicide two times. I also like how the author made the book come full circle by the way Peter and Cole acted at the end. The book started off by making Cole the angry, crazy criminal who beat up a helpless boy in Peter. But as the book progressed they switched, Peter became a angry, suicidal boy that beat up a helpless Cole. It was funny how the author decided to do that and I enjoyed that a lot. I also like how the book made the island a place for someone to find the reason of life. All the main characters in the book have experienced anger in their lives and I liked how the author decided that all of them will go to the island to heal themselves. It was interesting to read about why Edwin, Cole, Peter and Garvey decided to go to the island.

The conclusion of the book was very interesting but there were many parts I did not like about it. One of the parts I did not like was the repetition. When Cole was on the island all he did was wake up to soak, look for animals, carry the ancestor rock up the hill, carve his totem pole, eat, and dance. The book kept on repeating itself even when Peter came in the picture, they did the same routine. It would have been more interesting if the author changed things up. I also did not like how the book ended at all. It was a very bad ending. Cole just got beaten up by Peter and it seemed that they were finally going to forgive each other but you will never know. The book ended soon after that incident when they finished carving the last spot on the totem pole. It would have been more entertaining if the book went on to show what happened to Cole after the banishment, whether he will go to jail or not, and to see what happens to Peter. I would have liked the book a lot more if it continued and possible have had an epilogue of Peter and Cole life after the island.

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