Friday, February 5, 2010

Looking Forward

I am very excited about the upcoming four day weekend we are having next week and if my plans do not change, I expect to have plenty of fun. The four day weekend will be amazing and on top of that, we have back to back four day weeks which is also good because the less school we have the better. I just want next week to be over fast so I can get my mind off of school, rest, and have fun. I'm trying to not get too excited because I still have this weekend to look forward to and I still have school. During this weekend I will be watching the Superbowl rooting for the New Orleans Saint to win over the Indianapolis Colts. Both teams are very good and I respect them a lot but after what the city of New Orleans had to deal with because of Hurricane Katrina, its great to see how far they have come. And if the Saints win the Superbowl, the city will be one step closer to getting back to the way it was before the disastrous situation. This weekend will be fun but I will still be thinking about the four day weekend we will have next week.

During the four day weekend, my family and I have plans to go skiing for the second time this year and this time I might give snowboarding another chance. The last time I tried to snowboard, I had a difficult time, falling down a lot and was very frustrated with my performance. But now that I am older and more coordinated, I think I can do a lot better. But skiing will always be a lot more fun for me because I am good at it and can go on the hardest courses having a lot of fun not be afraid that I might get hurt. And with snowboarding, I will only be able to go on the easier slopes because I know I am not good at all and I need to practice to get better. We are going to stay at a very good hotel that has many activities that we can do including bowling, an arcade, bumper cars, bungee jumping, a movie theater, laser tag, mini golf, and a swimming pool but it will be too cold to swim. So when we are done snowboarding/skiing we will still have a lot of fun at the hotel. My family and I are expecting to stay at Lake Tahoe for three days, two nights which means we will have a lot of time to do everything we had in mind. We will be leaving on Saturday and coming back on Monday so I have to finish my homework on Friday or bring with me. The upcoming four day weekend will be very fun and I can't wait until we get there.

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