Friday, January 29, 2010

My Week

My week started off just like any other one, going to school, hanging out with friends, going home, doing homework, and sleeping. It seemed like it was going to be another long and painful week. Mostly because of the report cards that were being sent home and not knowing how well I did that semester. But in the middle of the week my mother surprised me with an I-Touch. I was nagging about how my old I-pod was too old and I needed a new one. So I guess she decided that she will buy me one and give it me when school was over. That night, I was constantly playing with my new I-Touch, downloading new applications which took up most of the day. I barely finished my homework that night because I had so much fun testing out my I-Touch.

Later in the week I found out that the basketball coach that was the main reason that I quit was suspended from the team for one week and our new coach would be last years coach that was very good. I know for a fact that if this coach was the JV coach the whole year I wouldn't have quit. No matter how much he makes us run, how hard he pushes us, I know that he is a far better coach than the one that is now suspended and might possibly get fired. He was suspended for getting into an argument with a player and a varsity coach for no reason. I found this out during school and I was happy even though it is non of my business because I am no longer on the team and I don't think I want to go back. But I'm happy for the players on the team because they now have a very good coach that is fair to everyone and knows how to use players to the best of their abilities.

This week started off boring and frustrating but as the days past, it got a lot more interesting and enjoyable. I had a lot of fun this week and I hope to have many more school weeks with the same outcome. During the weekend, I hope to work on my driving so I can be ready to take the test for my license in April. I am very excited and I think I am ready because of all the good complements I have received from my instructor and my family. This week as been entertaining, but now its over and I need to focus on trying to make next week just as fun.

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