Wednesday, January 13, 2010


1. Writing with my peers will help my writing in many ways including writers block, giving me more ideas, and helping me choose what I will write about. When I get stuck trying to write an essay, I will turn to my peers for help and see if they can help me get through it. Writers block is very tough to get past, but with friends helping me out, telling me what I should do next, I believe that I will get through this problem with no problem at all. Writing in groups will also give me more ideas. We can have a discussion about what topic we should write about next. And if we want to write about something different from our group but don't know what to write we can get personal help. We can also brainstorm a bunch of ideas and we can just choose from a wide range of topics.
2. I can help contribute to my writing group in many ways including helping proof read their essays and making suggestions if they need it. I can give them everything they can give me and possible more if they need it. Writing groups is helpful for everyone and cannot be bad. I can help them get past writers block and suggest new topics if they don't know what to write. I may also be able to make grammar corrections and spelling mistakes if I can find them.
3. I would much rather work with friends than people who are writing the same topic as me because writ ting with friends will just make that much more fun. Rather than possible sitting in a group of people you don't know awkwardly. I also will not be afraid to ask them a question, tell them I'm stuck, or ask how to spell a word without feeling stupid. Writing with a group of people you might not know won't be as successful because there might just be a group of students writing silently to afraid to ask for help. But writing with the people who have the same topic as you can be helpful aswell because you can ask a question about the topic and they will know what you are talking about. Writing with friends that are writing the same topic as you is the best way to go becuase you can ask questions, still stay focused and still have plenty of fun writing.
4. Rules that should be enforced in a writing group is to hold off on the put downs, saying that someone is stupid or make them feel taht way. Another rule should be, no one could reject reading someones writing and read and correct another students paper to the best of your abilities. If someone needs help with writers block or something else everyone should try to help that person out until they don't need any help. Rules are very important to helping a writing group be extremely successful and enjoyable.

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