Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Career

I recently decided to quit my schools basketball team. I came to this decision because of many different things. I wasn't getting the amount play time I thought I deserved and I was frustrated. For almost every game I would sit on the bench the whole game not getting even one minute on the floor. This got me very mad which then caused my grades to slip. So when winter break came I had to make a decision, to stay on the team and not play at l or quit and focus on school. It was an easy decision, why would I stay on a team where the coach doesn't let me play a minute. So when school started I had made my final decision to quit but didn't tell my coach. I did not tell him because I felt like I wasn't part of the team when I was on the bench so I thought he would care. It has been four days since I quit and I still have not heard or seen him. So I guess he doesn't mind me being on the team and I don't care. My life has been good these past couple of day and I have noticed an improvement in my grades. I don't think I will ever come back to the team this year but mabe next year I will give it a shot at making the varsity squad. This was one of my easier decisions but I still love the sport. I don't really know what caused me to quit the team other than the coaches. I am still going to play the sport I loved the most with a leauge I joined in the past. But I am wondering if U ever watt play sports for this school again. I have seen what it could do to my grades and I do not want to relive that moment of failure. I don' t know if I will play basketball or even football for this school for the rest of my high school experience. This will be an extremely hard decision I will have to make within the next year and I will spend a lot if time comparing the pros and cons of playing sports for my school. I know I will not get into college because of sports. So I know I have to focus on my grades for the future. But sports are just so fun to do and I don't want to give it up. So this might as well be the toughest decision of my life so far.

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