Friday, January 29, 2010

My Week

My week started off just like any other one, going to school, hanging out with friends, going home, doing homework, and sleeping. It seemed like it was going to be another long and painful week. Mostly because of the report cards that were being sent home and not knowing how well I did that semester. But in the middle of the week my mother surprised me with an I-Touch. I was nagging about how my old I-pod was too old and I needed a new one. So I guess she decided that she will buy me one and give it me when school was over. That night, I was constantly playing with my new I-Touch, downloading new applications which took up most of the day. I barely finished my homework that night because I had so much fun testing out my I-Touch.

Later in the week I found out that the basketball coach that was the main reason that I quit was suspended from the team for one week and our new coach would be last years coach that was very good. I know for a fact that if this coach was the JV coach the whole year I wouldn't have quit. No matter how much he makes us run, how hard he pushes us, I know that he is a far better coach than the one that is now suspended and might possibly get fired. He was suspended for getting into an argument with a player and a varsity coach for no reason. I found this out during school and I was happy even though it is non of my business because I am no longer on the team and I don't think I want to go back. But I'm happy for the players on the team because they now have a very good coach that is fair to everyone and knows how to use players to the best of their abilities.

This week started off boring and frustrating but as the days past, it got a lot more interesting and enjoyable. I had a lot of fun this week and I hope to have many more school weeks with the same outcome. During the weekend, I hope to work on my driving so I can be ready to take the test for my license in April. I am very excited and I think I am ready because of all the good complements I have received from my instructor and my family. This week as been entertaining, but now its over and I need to focus on trying to make next week just as fun.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

English Final

1. Explain one or two ways your writing has improved over the semester. Include a few examples from your posts over time, with analysis, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.
Over the semester, my writing has improved a lot. I have improved in the length, breaking down, grammar, and my ability to write with confidence. If you look at my first blog of the year, you can see that it was not as long as the ones I have today. The length has not always been consistent but there were reasons for that, that I can't explain. But overall, my writing has increased in length since my first couple of blogs because I started to like writing blogs every week. It helped me improve my writing and let me share my thoughts and feelings about certain things. My blog was my weekly activity that I would go to, to share what had happened to me that week. In the beginning my blogs were basically about sports but as the year went on, I started writing about more personal experiences and how they have influenced my life. For example my blogs from the end of September to the middle of October. All those blogs were about personal experiences that have had a big part in my life. After a couple of personal blog posts, I started to get more comments that were very supportive of my writing. I decided that I was going to write about my personal life every week. But then I ran out of ideas to write about and needed something new. So I combined my life experiences and my sports experiences and wrote one blogs that related to both. That's what I am writing about today and it is still working well for me. These blogs are probably my best so far in the year and are the most improved. I now am not making the same mistake I did at the beginning of the year in grammar, and always remember to spell check. I am also cutting down on my redundant sentences and I am a lot more confident in my writing ability because of all the helpful comments I received throughout the year.
This semester has been big for me. I now have confidence in my writing and can write without feeling self conscious about what other people may think. Blogs have let me share my thoughts about my life and my athletic career. I also can write knowing that I will not make many mistakes in grammar and spelling. Finally, blogs have made my writing a lot more smooth, as in talking about one subject and not constantly going back a forth.

2. Choose one of your posts. (Your favorite? Your least favorite? The one that surprises you the most when you reread it? Any one you want to pick.) Analyze it in detail, with quotes etc.
The blog that surprised me the most was the blog on September 23, 2009. At first, I just thought it was just a regular blog post not much better than my others. I started writing that blog with the intent of getting it over with and finishing it so I can have the rest of the week off. As I got deeper into my blog , I started to get more into it and was very concentrated, thinking about what to write next. In the end, I did not think that it was my best blog, but I knew it was good. So I went over it, to correct any mistakes I could have made and published my blog. I went over it once more to see if it reached the expectation in length and was done. The next day, I went to school, had a long day and came home to check on my blog as usual. Every time I post a blog, I like to check it the next day to see if I have any comments. I saw that there was one comment on that blog and it was from my teacher. I went to see what it was about and it said " Jonathan, without perhaps realizing it, you've actually done a pretty good job of drafting a college entrance essay here. What it does is show your dedication, determination, and hard work over a long period of time...these are exactly the types of qualities you'll want to show when you apply for college. It's clearly organized and has lots of good details, too, so you simultaneously demonstrate that you are a good writer. So, well done." This comment made me feel very good inside and surprised me a lot. I am very glad I had this experience.
The blog I am talking about in the previous paragraph is about, how sports have influenced my life in a huge way. I started off listing, what attributes playing sports have given me and how it has made me a better student and made my life more enjoyable. For example, I said it has given me confidence, determination, focus, and attentiveness. Traits that will lead me to success. I believe if I continue to have these traits, I will be extremely successful in life. After, I started to write about how I was introduced to sports and how much fun I had when I started to play. I also start to talk about possible not playing because I was scared to socialize with other kids my age. But, I decided to give it a try and it worked out in the end. Finally, I concluded my blog entry by telling everyone why I decided to write about my blog because I felt like everyone needed to know how my sports career started and how it has help my life in man ways. I also tried to influence people to keep doing what they love by saying "If you have something that you enjoy doing, stick to it no matter how hard it may be, in the end it will all pay off if you really enjoy doing it." I think this quote really explains my journey through life the most. Even though playing sports was rough at the beginning, I never gave up and kept on striving to be the best possible. I also think this quote influenced me to be the person I am today. I rarely start on something, then give up, I have to keep doing it until I can't anymore.

7. What have you learned from your struggles with writer's block? Why do you tend to get stuck? How do you tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns?
From my struggles with writers block, I have learned that it is not very hard for someone to get out of it. Someone can get out of it just as easy as they can get into it. As long as that person has a good way to get past it. I learned a unique way that my teacher has thought me to get out of writers block. If I get stuck writing about something, I can just start on a different blog, and if the new blog works out to be better, I will keep it. But if it doesn't, I might find out what to write next in my old post. This device has helped me through many of my blogs and is a great way to get out of writers block. I also learned that if I am very concentrated in my writing and have a good format on how to write my blog, I never get caught up in writers block. When I am concentrated, no one can bother me, I can't watch t.v. and I can't eat until I'm done. In my opinion this is the best way to write your blog fast and not get into writers block. I also figured out that the reason I get stuck in writers block is because I day dream and my mind wanders off about something that had happened that day or other stuff. It is extremely easy for me to have my mind wander off and not think about what I am writing about but I am trying to keep that from not happening. I haven't noticed any patterns in my blogs that have gotten me into writers block. I usually get this annoying struggle when I run out of ideas to write about and can't continue. I know it gets very frustrating and you want to stop when you don't know what to write about next but its not that hard to get rid of.I use my method that my English teacher thought me to help me get through that difficult time. Writers block is an devastating process that everyone has to get through but with the correct steps, it will become much easier to get past.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


1. Writing with my peers will help my writing in many ways including writers block, giving me more ideas, and helping me choose what I will write about. When I get stuck trying to write an essay, I will turn to my peers for help and see if they can help me get through it. Writers block is very tough to get past, but with friends helping me out, telling me what I should do next, I believe that I will get through this problem with no problem at all. Writing in groups will also give me more ideas. We can have a discussion about what topic we should write about next. And if we want to write about something different from our group but don't know what to write we can get personal help. We can also brainstorm a bunch of ideas and we can just choose from a wide range of topics.
2. I can help contribute to my writing group in many ways including helping proof read their essays and making suggestions if they need it. I can give them everything they can give me and possible more if they need it. Writing groups is helpful for everyone and cannot be bad. I can help them get past writers block and suggest new topics if they don't know what to write. I may also be able to make grammar corrections and spelling mistakes if I can find them.
3. I would much rather work with friends than people who are writing the same topic as me because writ ting with friends will just make that much more fun. Rather than possible sitting in a group of people you don't know awkwardly. I also will not be afraid to ask them a question, tell them I'm stuck, or ask how to spell a word without feeling stupid. Writing with a group of people you might not know won't be as successful because there might just be a group of students writing silently to afraid to ask for help. But writing with the people who have the same topic as you can be helpful aswell because you can ask a question about the topic and they will know what you are talking about. Writing with friends that are writing the same topic as you is the best way to go becuase you can ask questions, still stay focused and still have plenty of fun writing.
4. Rules that should be enforced in a writing group is to hold off on the put downs, saying that someone is stupid or make them feel taht way. Another rule should be, no one could reject reading someones writing and read and correct another students paper to the best of your abilities. If someone needs help with writers block or something else everyone should try to help that person out until they don't need any help. Rules are very important to helping a writing group be extremely successful and enjoyable.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Career

I recently decided to quit my schools basketball team. I came to this decision because of many different things. I wasn't getting the amount play time I thought I deserved and I was frustrated. For almost every game I would sit on the bench the whole game not getting even one minute on the floor. This got me very mad which then caused my grades to slip. So when winter break came I had to make a decision, to stay on the team and not play at l or quit and focus on school. It was an easy decision, why would I stay on a team where the coach doesn't let me play a minute. So when school started I had made my final decision to quit but didn't tell my coach. I did not tell him because I felt like I wasn't part of the team when I was on the bench so I thought he would care. It has been four days since I quit and I still have not heard or seen him. So I guess he doesn't mind me being on the team and I don't care. My life has been good these past couple of day and I have noticed an improvement in my grades. I don't think I will ever come back to the team this year but mabe next year I will give it a shot at making the varsity squad. This was one of my easier decisions but I still love the sport. I don't really know what caused me to quit the team other than the coaches. I am still going to play the sport I loved the most with a leauge I joined in the past. But I am wondering if U ever watt play sports for this school again. I have seen what it could do to my grades and I do not want to relive that moment of failure. I don' t know if I will play basketball or even football for this school for the rest of my high school experience. This will be an extremely hard decision I will have to make within the next year and I will spend a lot if time comparing the pros and cons of playing sports for my school. I know I will not get into college because of sports. So I know I have to focus on my grades for the future. But sports are just so fun to do and I don't want to give it up. So this might as well be the toughest decision of my life so far.