Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My First Game

Today is my first basketball game of the season. I am very excited to see how good our team really is. We have high expectations this year because of how we preformed last season. But I'm not so sure we will come through with the wins. We have a new coach and I don't think that our team will execute well under his system. I still think we are a solid team but I don't believe that we are as good a team as last year. With many new players and a new coach it is hard to adjust to a new style after preforming our previous system so well. I don't understand why we are changing how we play because we won almost all our games last year. But its the coaches decision and we have to respect it.

It is now the next day and the game is over. We lost by four points. It was a well played game by both teams and was decided during the last minute. We had many mistakes as a team that we know we should have not made. I guess we were just a little rusty because we haven't played a game together since last year. But that not an excuse for loosing. We are too good of a team to let a team we know we are better than us win. Our team needs to get back on track and win. We won about twenty-four games last year and did not loose a game until the middle of the season. So for us to loose our first game, its disappointing and frustrating. Because of our success last year each player on this team gets extremely disappointed when we loose. This team never looses to teams we know that we can demolish. No one likes the feeling and no one wants to get to the point where we have that discomfort most of our games. I'm not going to make any excuses nor blame it on anyone because we know that we have to be pursue perfection every game. This year is going to be very long and hard but we have to come out on top of our league like we did last season. This may be my last season playing any sports so I have to try my best and give it my all. Leave it all out on the court. This season can be very enjoyable and fun but we have to do our best because we do not have the motivation and determination we had last season. No more excuse, no complaining, just execute our system and keep winning.

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