Friday, December 11, 2009

My Basketball Tournment

This week I had a basketball tournament at Central Valley High School. It starts on thursday and ends on friday and we stay their for two nights. I am doing my blog post from my host families house who are very nice. They are very kind and welcomed us in with open arms. At first, I was a little scared about living with strangers for two days but once I met them I knew it was going to be fun. Our first game went extremely well and we played great. We won that game by 10 points. After the game we went to our host families house and ate dinner, played video games, and had a good sleep. The next day was fun as well. There was an school assemble that was about all the basketball teams that participated in the tourny. It had a shooting contest, dunking contest and other fun activities that was a lot of fun to watch. After it was over, we had to get ready for our game. So we had a walk through session to help us understand what we needed to do more clearly. It help us a lot by letting us know what we need to do and get things straightened out. Then came our game, we started off slow and had to fight our way back it. We trailed Shasta High the whole game and lost by ten points. It was very disappointing and we know we should have won. The intensity, compassion, and determination was there but we came up short in the end. Now I am back at my host family,s house. Resting up for the game tomorrow and about to eat pizza for dinner then watch a movie. I can't wait for tomorrow because we will be playing for third place. It isn't first but at least we have chance to win a trophy and bring it back to Alameda. We will be playing the host school, Central Valley. They are not a very talented team and we should win easily.

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