Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Start of a New Season

Now that the football season is coming to an end, i am now reminiscing on what I have accomplished this year. I am wondering on how much I have improved in the game and if I will play in the future. This year has been very tough for me because I joined late and I was basically catching up the whole year. This season has been very disappointing and that's why I am questioning if I should play next year. But I know I can't keep on thinking about my disappointments this year. I have basketball season to look forward to. This year is going to be very interesting. We have a new coach that I am not familiar with. It will be very challenging and hard at some times, but I think we will have a successful year.
Even though my football year was very disappointing, I still can look forward to the basketball season. My tryouts start this Monday and I know I still need a lot of practice. I have not played basketball in about three months and I'm scared I will make a bad first impression on the new coaches. During these tryouts I will have a lot more pressure and will be more nervous because I don't know if I have what it takes to make the team. Basketball has always been my favorite sport to play but after this long season of football, I am not sure I am ready to start basketball. It is very hard to change sports without any break or time to practice. It is a lot more difficult but I think by body has what it takes to make the transition. I don't know if I will have a lot of fun playing basketball this year if I make the team. I do not really like our new coach and the style we are playing. For this reason, I am also skeptical if I want to play. Basketball has always been my favorite sport but as I get older I am losing the passion to play. Its a tough decision I have to make and I hope in the end it will work out for the best.

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