Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Blogs

In the beginning I decided that I was going to write mainly on sports. It was very fun and exciting to finally write about something I enjoyed. But after a while, I didn't know what else I could write about. So I tried something different, I tried writing about myself and it was very effective. I would write about how my decisions and experiences in my life have made me the man I am today. It seemed like I was going to enjoy writing again. As the weeks went on, my blogs kept on getting better and better but I realized that the more personal my blogs are the better it gets. So I decided that I would stop writing about my personal experience and write about something else. So that's where I am today and I hope that I can think of something that I enjoy writing about.
Writing these blogs have always been fun for me. It has told me a lot of myself and who I am. They helped me see what I have done with my life so far and what decisions I made. I didn't realize all the things I actually did until I read my blogs. Its hard to believe that after all these years in my very short life, I have done so much things that had an impact on who I am today. Each experience has taught me something very special and gave me a better understanding of myself. Writing about sports and my personal experiences had been very enjoyable, but I am ready to start writing about something else. I hope I will be able to find something that I enjoy writing about as much as I loved writing about sports. These blogs have been extremely fun to write and I hope that I will continue to have a lot of fun making new blogs that everyone can read and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. This discovery you've made about looking back over the events that have put you where you stand today...that's really cool. I'm glad you've been able to gain that new perspective about yourself.
