Thursday, September 17, 2009


Although football isn't my favorite sport, I still enjoy playing the very exciting game. Every time I step onto the field I get an adrenaline rush and I have to contribute to the team. It is amazing how one simple thing can lead to something amazing. Football is extremely hard and painful but it all pays off when you step on that field, smell the freshly cut grass, and look at the crowd and see all your peers cheering you on. I have only been playing football for one year and I still have a lot to learn but I am excited to find new ways of improving my game. I know it will take a long time to perfect everything I have learned during this past year, but I am looking forward to the challenge. Many people think that football is a dangerous sport but I disagree. In my opinion I think that football is one of the safest sports you can play. Everyone receives a lot of protection and support when playing football and will rarely receive serious injuries. Even though I have only played the sport for one year I am positive that it is extremely rare for someone to receive and injury. You may be hurt or sore after hard days of football but that happens with every sport. Football is a very fun sport to play and I believe that not enough people play. Everyone should stop criticizing the sport because I know those people have never attempted to play. The critics should stop watching this great sport and give it a try and I know once they attempt to play they will realize that football is safe, fun, and extremely exciting.

The reason why I decided to write about football is because I want to tell everyone how fun this sport really is. Many people criticize about football, saying that it is dangerous and dumb but I believe that you need a lot of knowledge and determination to play this sport. Its not always the biggest man that wins the game, it is sometimes the smartest team that wins. The trick of being a good football player is to not be afraid of pain and don't panic when you are faced with a tough task. I hope that what I have explained about football will change many minds of hypocrites that don't approve of the game. I know that I have only played football for one year but I think that it is very fun and more people should give it a try. I have enjoyed sharing my ideas about football and I hope that I have changed the minds of many people.

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