Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The topic I am writing about is basketball because I enjoy playing and watching the game. I have played basketball my whole life and I understand the game very well. Because of my experience, I feel like I can tell you what basketball is about and how to play the sport. Basketball is very fun and entertaining and I believe many people will enjoy reading about. Playing basketball has always been my favorite thing to do and I have plenty of facts I want to share. It will be very fun to write about something I enjoy doing and know a lot about. Basketball is a sport that many people don’t know much about and I want to be the person who helps them understand the sport more clearly.

Writing about basketball will help improve my writing in many ways. First, It will help me write about something I know a lot about and can give an enormous amount of information to readers. Next, I won’t need to work as hard to get information because I know the sport very well and I can just concentrate on my writing more. Writing about basketball will also help me by letting me write about something I enjoy very much and will have a lot of fun writing. Finally, writing about this sport will help me understand the game more and improve my writing more by giving me an advantage over other people.

1 comment:

  1. "Next, I won't need to work as hard to get information [...] have a lot of fun writing." Perfect! This is exactly how I hope all my students feel.

    Can you please send me an e-mail to my home address? (It's on my web site) Your e-mail somehow got bumped into my "spam" folder at work, which is why I didn't find it until just now. Thanks,

